Irish Pilgrimage 06.09-19.2022 Kerry Way, Glenbeigh
Thin Places: spaces where the veil between worlds lifts and becomes transparent; heaven and earth meet. The presence and prayers of generations make the veil evermore thin.
On Irish pilgrimage, time flowed differently from the cadence I left behind – not so linear. It drifts and swirls in fluid reverberations.
The physical landscape tenders such translucent places - in the contours of sacred ruins and holy wells, oblique stones, and in the blueprint of nature. In fields, forests, seacoast, bogs and hills- the landscape provides “soul-shelter” and arouses an awareness of the sacred…by soil saturated by the holy.
Within each step, each moment, and every pulse, there are also thin places that I carry within, my own internal landscape, drawn from a well of encounters and relations. In that place, the past touches present, tender questions arise and summon my attention, beckoning me to notice seeds of insight within them, which I had not seen before.
Each Breath, and Every Pulse
Within each moment
with every footstep
climbing, winding and turning
Within each breath, and every pulse
heaven and earth touch
God of the spiraling path,
You satisfy my hunger
in such small and
in expansive,
and delicious ways.