Have you ever felt a need for a person who could occasionally offer guidance, support or creative inspiration on your faith journey?
“There is a voice within you which no-one, not even you, has ever heard.
Give yourself the opportunity of silence and begin to develop your listening
in order to hear, deep within yourself, the music of your own spirit.
---John O’Donohue, Anam Cara
There is a limit to how well we can see ourselves, or to hear the music of our spirit, on our own. Spiritual Direction, a form of spiritual companionship, involves the art of listening to another person as they share deep questions, longings or concerns. A Spiritual Director is a conversation partner who provides a framework for those who seek spiritual growth. As spiritual guide, I offer a compassionate and engaged presence, in a safe, confidential space, to support the deepening awareness of God’s/the Divine’s presence and movement in your everyday life.
I can introduce you to the contemplative practices, such as contemplative photography, journaling, and Lectio Divina (sacred reading), to enhance insight, and to help establish a rhythm of daily living.
Contact: ingridcyros@comcast.net
At the center of the practice of spiritual direction is the question: “What is stirring within you?”
Contact: ingridcyros@comcast.net. I offer Individual spiritual guidance sessions based on a sliding scale. Contact me for a complimentary introductory session.
Contact me to schedule a complimentary consultation. All that is shared is held in confidence.